Basic Info.
Model NO.
Rolling Body
Roller Bearings
The Number of Rows
Outer Dimension
Extra Large (440mm)
Aligning Bearings
Load Direction
Radial Bearing
Transport Package
Free Fumigation Box
Li Li Industrial Park, Jianxi District, Luoyang Ci
Product Description
Current Code:EE655271D/655345
Weight:261 kgs
TThe cage type: Steel pressed cages and pin-type cages are for large-size ones.
The forging material:GCr15SiMn GCr15 G20Cr2Ni4A
The delivery time:30-40 days
The package:standard export wooden case
Double-row tapered roller bearings
Because of more rows of rollers, the radial loading capacity of double-row tapered
roller bearings is enhanced,and they aslo can carry heavy axial loads in two directions.
They primarily carry combined loads which is main in radial, and limit axial displacement of shafts or housings in two directions, so they can be as locating bearings in twdirections.
The performance of type TDO bearing is the same as two single-row tapered roller
bearings in back to back mounted.
Doublerow tapered roller bearings have a small number of parts and high stiffness,and are easy to be mounted anddismounted, therefore, they are usually used in the applications with changing loads, such as decelerators and coiling machines. The radial and axial clearance can be adjusted by changing the width of spacer between two inner rings.
Type TDI bearing is mainly used in roll necks with medium loads.This type of bearings have a cup spacer,and the clearance isadjustable.
The application:
Gear reduction units
Calendar rolls
Industrial machinery
Heavy-duty gear drives
Various industrial configurations
Crane sheaves
Oil-field drilling rig sheaves
Applications where two-row preset bearings are required
Automotive configurations
And so on
Timken double row, four row tapered roller bearing
(mm) Basic load rating;
(kN) Bearing type limit speed
(rpm) Weight
d D T B C Rmin rmin Cr Cor - 44.450 95.250 65.090 28.300 44.450 1.3 0.8 53176/53376D 1.96 50.800 120.650 69.850 34.925 68.265 3.5 1.5 NA33889SW/K103272 4.22 52.388 112.712 65.087 26.909 46.038 3.5 1.5 55206/55444D 63.500 140.030 66.091 65.989 23.520 2.3 2.3 78251D/78551 4.72 70.000 120.000 74.615 37.308 53.975 3.5 0.8 NA4838W/472D 76.200 136.525 69.850 34.925 53.975 3.5 0.8 NA495A/493DC 84.138 177.800 109.537 46.038 74.612 3.5 2.3 9386H/9320D 85.000 200.025 115.888 49.212 80.216 3.5 2.3 98335/98789D 16.60 88.900 123.825 50.797 20.638 42.862 1.5 0.8 L217849/L217810D 95.250 152.400 82.550 36.322 63.500 3.5 0.8 594/592D 5.26 95.250 152.400 82.550 36.322 63.500 5.0 0.8 594A/592D 5.24 97.394 161.925 82.550 41.275 61.912 3.5 0.8 NA52375T/52637D 99.979 196.850 103.378 46.038 74.422 3.5 1.5 HM821547/HM821511D 12.88 100.211 168.275 95.250 95.250 30.162 0.8 3.3 688TD/672 8.02 101.600 168.275 92.075 41.275 69.850 3.5 0.8 K687/K672D 7.54 101.600 168.275 92.075 46.038 69.850 3.5 0.8 NA691/672D 7.56 101.600 190.500 127.000 57.531 101.600 8.0 1.5 861/854D 14.80 101.600 49.212 3.5 98400/98710D 101.600 200.025 115.888 49.212 80.216 3.5 2.3 98400/98789D 14.70 101.600 165.100 106.581 49.212 114.300 1.5 HM120848/HM120817XD 101.600 190.500 127.000 57.531 104.775 8.0 1.5 HH221449/HH221410D 15.50 104.775 180.975 104.775 48.006 85.725 3.5 1.5 782/774D 10.40 106.362 165.100 82.550 36.512 63.500 3.5 0.8 56418/56650D 5.98 107.950 165.100 82.550 36.512 63.500 3.5 0.8 56425/56650D 5.82 107.950 165.100 88.900 44.450 63.500 3.5 0.8 NA56425SW/56650D 6.35 109.987 159.987 74.613 34.925 58.738 3.5 0.8 LM522549/522510D 3.33 114.300 177.800 92.075 41.275 69.850 3.5 0.8 64450/64700D 7.80 114.300 71.438 3.5 HH224346NA/HH224310D 114.300 49.428 3.5 HM926740/HM926710CD 119.062 195.262 136.778 57.150 142.875 1.5 1.0 HM124646/HM124618XD 11.49 119.062 194.874 125.254 57.150 131.351 1.5 1.6 HM124646/HM124616XD 120.650 174.625 35.720 36.512 27.783 3.5 1.5 M224749/M224710 2.68 123.825 182.562 85.728 38.100 73.025 3.5 0.8 48286/48220D 127.000 182.562 85.725 38.100 73.025 3.5 0.8 48290/48220D 7.12 127.000 182.562 93.660 46.830 73.025 3.5 0.8 NA48290SW/48220D 7.73 127.000 182.562 85.725 42.862 73.025 3.5 0.8 NA48291/48220DC 7.21 127.000 196.850 101.600 46.038 85.725 3.5 0.8 67388/67322D 10.70 127.000 63.500 6.4 95500/95927D 127.000 228.600 115.888 49.428 84.138 3.5 2.3 HM926747/HM926710D 18.80 131.750 207.950 146.050 57.150 127.000 1.5 0.8 HM127446/HM127415XD 11.75 131.750 207.962 146.305 57.150 152.400 1.5 1.0 HM127446/HM127415D 133.350 234.950 142.875 63.500 114.300 9.7 1.5 95525/95927CD 23.60 133.350 63.500 9.7 95525/95927D 139.700 47.625 3.5 74550/74851D 139.700 215.900 106.362 47.625 80.962 3.5 1.5 74550/74851CD 12.80 139.700 66.675 7.0 99550/99102D 142.875 200.025 93.665 46.833 73.025 3.5 0.8 NA48685SW/48620D 8.39 142.875 200.025 93.665 46.833 73.025 3.5 0.8 NA48686/4862CD 8.37 144.450 220.662 155.840 58.738 163.510 1.5 1.0 JB1204P(HM129848/HM129814XD) 146.050 66.675 7.0 99575/99102D 146.050 236.538 131.762 56.642 106.362 3.5 1.5 HM231140/HM231110D 20.60 146.050 241.300 131.765 65.883 106.362 3.5 1.5 HM231140NA/HM231116D 146.050 236.538 131.765 65.883 106.362 3.5 1.5 HM231140NA/HM231111CD 149.225 236.538 131.762 56.642 106.362 3.5 1.5 HM231149/H231111CD 19.90 152.400 254.000 149.225 66.675 111.125 7.0 1.5 99600/99102CD 27.40 152.400 222.250 100.010 46.830 76.200 3.5 0.8 M231649/M231610CD 12.00 152.400 46.830 3.5 M231649/M231610D 152.400 307.975 200.025 93.662 155.575 9.7 2.3 HH234048/HH234011CD 62.60 157.150 252.412 177.914 69.850 184.150 1.5 1.3 HM133444/HM133416XD 23.44 158.750 225.425 85.725 39.688 69.850 3.5 0.8 46780/46720CD 10.70 165.100 225.425 95.250 47.625 69.850 3.5 0.8 NA46790SW/46720CD 10.50 165.100 247.650 103.188 47.625 84.138 3.5 0.8 67780/67720CD 16.90 165.100 288.925 142.875 63.500 111.125 7.0 1.5 94649/94114CD 63.40 165.100 288.925 142.875 63.500 111.125 7.0 1.5 HM237535/HM237510CD 36.50 165.100 247.650 103.188 84.138 3.5 0.8 652 67780 ASSY 90234(67780/67720CD) 16.90 177.787 301.700 190.546 87.312 196.850 1.5 0.9 H337846/H337816XD 54.11 177.800 47.625 3.5 67790/67720D 177.800 51.595 3.5 NA67790/67720CD 177.800 247.650 103.188 47.625 84.138 3.5 0.8 652 67790 ASSY 90245(67790/67720CD) 14.30 177.800 247.650 103.187 47.625 84.138 10.5 0.8 67791/67720CD 177.800 282.575 107.950 53.975 79.375 3.5 1.5 NA87700SW/87112D 23.00 177.800 63.500 7.0 94700/94114D 177.800 288.925 142.875 63.500 111.125 7.0 1.5 94700/94114CD 32.90 177.800 288.925 142.875 63.500 111.125 7.0 1.5 HM237545/HM237510CD 33.60 177.800 288.925 142.875 71.438 111.125 0.6 1.5 HM237545NA/HM237510CD 33.90 177.800 288.925 123.825 123.825 63.500 1.5 3.3 HM237546D/HM237510 31.80 177.800 320.675 185.738 85.725 138.112 3.5 1.5 H239640/H239612CD 58.80 179.975 317.500 146.050 63.500 111.125 3.5 1.5 93708/93127CD 30.42 184.150 242.888 95.250 69.850 3.5 0.8 LM637349NW/LM637310D 11.00 187.325 269.875 119.063 101.600 93.662 1.5 3.3 M238849D/M238810/M238810CD 19.20 187.325 269.875 119.062 55.562 93.662 3.5 1.5 M238849/M238810CD 20.60 187.325 320.675 185.738 85.725 138.112 5.5 1.5 H239649/239612CD 55.00 190.500 54.767 3.5 NA67885SW/67820D 190.500 89.695 1.5 67885D/67820/67820D 190.500 368.300 193.675 88.897 136.525 6.4 1.5 EE420751/EE421451CD 83.80 190.500 92.250 6.4 HH840249/HH840210D 190.500 92.250 6.4 HH840249/HH840210DF 196.850 257.175 82.725 39.628 66.675 3.5 0.8 LM739749/LM739710CD 196.850 257.175 85.725 39.688 66.675 3.5 0.8 LM739749/LM739710CD 9.96 200.025 384.175 238.124 112.712 193.675 6.4 1.5 H247535/H247510CDXA 203.200 368.300 193.675 88.897 136.525 3.3 1.5 EE420801/421451CD 52.49 203.200 276.225 90.485 42.862 73.025 3.5 0.8 LM241149/LM241110D 14.80 203.200 276.225 95.250 47.625 73.025 3.5 0.8 LM241149NW/LM241110D 15.30 203.200 292.100 125.415 57.945 101.600 3.5 1.5 M241547/M241510CD 25.10 203.200 368.300 158.750 152.400 63.500 3.3 3.3 EE420800D/421450 66.91 203.200 368.300 193.675 88.897 136.525 3.3 1.5 EE420801/421451CD 78.30 206.375 336.550 211.138 100.012 169.862 3.3 1.5 H242649/H242610CD 70.30 206.375 336.550 180.976 184.150 77.788 1.5 3.3 H242649D/H242610 65.50 215.900 355.600 68.262 130.175 47.625 6.4 3.3 96851D/96140 215.900 285.750 98.425 46.038 76.200 3.5 0.8 LM742749/LM742710CD 17.00 219.075 358.775 196.850 200.025 85.725 1.5 6.4 H244848TD/H244810 219.075 358.775 196.850 200.025 85.725 1.5 6.4 H244849D/H244810 84.30 220.662 314.325 131.762 61.912 106.362 6.4 1.5 M244249/M244210CD 31.80 220.662 61.912 6.4 M244249/M244210D 220.662 314.325 115.886 115.888 106.362 1.5 3.3 M244249DW/M244210/M244210CD 29.60 222.250 355.600 68.262 130.175 47.625 1.5 3.3 96876TD/96140 228.460 85.725 6.4 EE113091/113170DF 228.460 431.800 196.850 85.725 111.125 6.4 3.3 EE113091/113171D 107.00 228.600 327.025 114.300 52.388 82.550 6.4 1.5 8573/8520CD 27.90 228.600 355.600 152.400 66.675 111.125 7.0 1.5 96900/96140CD 49.30 228.600 355.600 152.400. 69.850 111.125 6.8 1.5 EE130902/EE131401CD 48.40 228.600 73.025 6.4 NA130902/131401D 228.600 71.438 3.5 M249732/M249710D 228.600 400.050 187.325 87.312 136.525 10.5 1.5 EE430900/EE431576CD 89.60 228.600 355.600 152.400 69.850 114.300 6.4 1.5 HM746646/HM746610CD 55.40 228.600 111.125 6.4 HH949549/HH949510DB 234.950 327.025 114.300 52.388 82.550 6.4 1.5 8575/8520CD 25.90 234.950 327.025 117.475 58.738 82.550 6.4 1.5 NA8575SW/8520CD 27.60 234.950 355.600 152.400 66.675 111.125 7.0 1.5 96925/96140CD 46.80 234.950 112.712 6.4 H247549/H247510D 234.950 384.175 238.124 112.712 193.675 6.4 1.5 H247549/H247510CD 234.950 311.150 101.600 73.025 3.5 0.8 LM446349NW/LM446310D 19.20 241.300 327.025 114.300 52.388 82.550 6.4 1.5 8578/8520CD 23.90 241.300 349.148 127.000 57.150 101.600 6.4 1.5 EE127095/127136CD 35.40 241.300 368.300 120.650 50.800 85.725 6.4 1.5 EE170950/EE171451CD 39.50 241.300 406.400 215.900 100.012 184.150 6.4 1.5 H249148/H249111CD 104.00 253.975 347.662 3.5 LM249747NW/LM249710CD 253.975 347.662 101.600 69.850 3.5 1.5 LM249747NW/LM249710D(860) 24.00 254.000 422.275 173.038 79.771 128.587 6.8 1.5 HM252343/HM252311D 254.000 422.275 178.592 79.771 139.700 6.8 1.5 HM252344/HM252310CD 89.50 254.000 422.275 173.038 86.517 128.588 6.4 1.5 HM252344NA/HM252311D 89.80 254.000 393.700 157.162 69.850 109.538 6.4 1.5 EE275100/275156CD 63.50 254.000 438.150 165.100 165.100 63.500 3.3 6.4 EE738101D/EE738172 254.000 120.650 6.4 HH953749/H953710CD 254.000 533.400 276.225 120.650 165.100 6.4 1.5 HH953749/H953710D 263.00 260.350 58.738 6.4 EE134102/EE134144D 260.350 422.275 178.592 79.771 139.700 6.8 1.5 HM252348/HM252310CD 83.50 260.350 84.138 6.4 EE435102/435165CD 266.700 352.425 107.950 82.550 6.4 1.5 LM251649NW/LM251610D 26.40 266.700 355.600 127.000 109.538 101.600 1.5 1.5 LM451349DGW/LM451310CD 34.57 266.700 57.150 3.5 LM451349/LM451310D 266.700 355.600 127.000 109.538 101.600 1.5 1.5 LM451349DW/LM451310CD 34.34 269.875 381.000 158.750 79.771 123.825 6.4 1.5 HM152349/HM252310CD 53.50 279.400 457.200 244.475 244.475 106.362 1.5 6.4 HH255149D/HH255110 165.00 280.192 406.400 149.226 67.673 117.475 6.8 1.5 EE128111/128160CD 37.48 280.192 406.400 149.225 67.673 117.475 6.8 1.5 EE128111/EE128160CD 56.00 285.750 380.898 139.700 117.475 107.950 1.5 1.5 LM654648DW/LM654610CD 44.95 285.750 380.898 139.700 65.088 107.950 3.5 1.5 LM654649/LM654610CD 41.60 288.925 406.400 165.100 77.788 130.175 6.4 1.5 M255449/M255410CD 63.30 292.100 422.275 152.400 130.175 117.475 3.2 1.5 EE330116D ASSY 90023 298.450 444.500 146.050 61.912 98.425 8.0 1.5 EE291175/291751CD 64.80 298.450 444.500 146.050 61.912 98.425 8.0 1.5 EE291175/291751D 43.63 300.038 422.275 174.625 82.550 136.525 6.4 1.5 HM256849/HM256810 72.80 300.038 422.275 150.813 150.812 63.500 3.3 3.3 HM256849D/HM256810 67.60 304.800 419.100 130.175 130.175 53.975 1.5 6.4 M257149DW/M257110 51.70 304.800 438.048 161.925 80.962 123.825 6.4 1.5 NA329120/329173D 304.800 53.975 6.4 L357049NW/L357010D 304.800 393.700 107.950 50.800 82.550 6.4 1.5 L357049/L357010CD 30.00 316.111 447.675 158.750 173.035 68.262 3.0 3.3 HM259045TD/HM259010 317.500 422.275 128.588 128.587 53.975 1.6 3.3 LM258648DGW/LM258610 317.500 447.675 180.975 85.725 146.250 3.5 1.5 HM259049/HM259010CD 86.70 317.500 447.675 158.750 158.750 68.262 3.3 3.3 HM259049D/HM259010 80.70 317.500 622.300 304.800 131.762 174.625 14.3 3.3 H961649/H961610CD 317.500 622.300 304.800 131.762 174.625 14.3 3.3 H961649/H961610D 370.00 325.438 136.525 6.4 EE720128/720236D 330.200 482.300 133.350 55.562 88.900 7.0 1.5 EE161300/161901CD 70.10 330.200 482.600 177.800 80.167 127.000 6.4 1.5 EE526130/EE526191D 63.01 330.200 415.925 100.012 47.625 74.612 3.5 1.5 L860049/L860010CD 19.03 333.375 469.900 190.500 90.488 152.400 6.4 1.5 HM261049/HM261010CD 96.10 343.052 122.238 1.5 LM761649DW/LM761610D 346.075 488.950 174.625 174.625 74.612 3.3 3.3 HM262749D/HM262710 108.00 347.662 469.900 138.112 138.112 57.150 3.3 M262449DW/M262410 355.600 444.500 136.524 60.325 111.125 3.5 1.5 L163149/L163110CD 31.28 355.600 482.600 133.350 55.562 88.900 7.0 1.5 EE161400/161901CD 58.00 355.600 444.500 136.525 60.325 111.125 3.5 1.5 L163149/L163110CD 46.10 355.600 457.200 120.650 120.650 50.800 1.5 3.3 LM263149D/LM263110 51.20 355.600 153.988 1.5 M263349D/M263310D 355.600 488.950 153.988 153.988 63.500 1.5 3.3 M263349D/M263310 85.30 355.600 128.587 1.5 LM763449DW/LM763410D 368.300 523.875 185.738 185.738 79.375 3.3 6.4 HM265049TD/HM265010 138.00 368.300 523.875 185.738 185.738 79.375 3.3 6.4 HM265049DW/HM265010 368.300 523.875 185.738 185.738 79.375 3.3 6.4 HM265049DW/HM265010CD 381.000 58.738 6.4 EE192150/192201D 381.000 47.625 6.4 L865547/L865512D 381.000 590.550 244.475 114.300 193.675 6.4 1.5 M268730/M268710CD 246.00 384.175 546.100 222.250 104.775 177.800 6.4 1.5 HM266449/HM266410CD 163.00 385.762 514.350 177.800 82.550 139.700 6.4 1.5 LM665949/LM665910CD 95.50 406.400 546.100 138.112 138.112 53.975 1.5 6.4 LM767748DA/LM767710 409.575 546.100 161.925 161.925 66.675 1.5 6.4 M667947DW/M667910 104.00 409.575 546.100 161.925 161.925 68.262 1.5 6.4 M667947DW/M667911 101.61 415.925 590.550 244.475 114.300 193.675 6.4 1.5 M268749/M268710CD 206.00 415.925 590.550 244.475 114.300 193.675 6.4 1.5 M268749/M268710DC 415.925 590.550 209.550 209.550 88.900 3.3 6.4 M268749DW/M268710 190.00 431.800 673.100 192.639 87.833 127.000 6.4 1.5 EE571703/572651D 223.00 431.800 161.925 1.5 LM76349D/LM769310D 431.800 571.500 155.575 74.612 111.125 3.3 1.5 LM869448/LM869410CD 98.00 431.800 571.500 155.575 133.350 111.125 1.5 1.5 LM869449ADW/LM869410CD 104.64 457.200 73.025 9.7 EE244180/244236D 457.200 761.873 215.900 209.550 95.250 6.4 EE423181XD/423300 457.200 749.808 215.900 209.550 95.250 6.4 EE423181XD/423296 459.948 624.924 205.000 205.000 88.000 3.1 9.0 M271149D/M271110 184.00 476.250 565.150 92.251 41.275 76.200 3.3 1.5 LL771948/LL771911CD 18.8 479.425 679.450 238.124 238.125 101.600 1.3 6.4 M272749DW ASSY 902A7 479.425 679.450 276.225 85.725 222.250 6.4 1.5 M272749/M272710DC 317.00 482.600 158.750 6.4 LM272248DW/LM272210D 482.600 158.750 3.3 LM272249DGW ASSY 902C7 482.600 615.950 184.150 85.725 146.050 6.4 1.5 LM272249/LM272210D 124.00 482.600 158.750 3.3 LM272249D/LM272210D 488.950 634.873 180.975 84.138 136.525 6.4 1.5 LM772748/LM772710CD 136.00 498.475 634.873 177.800 80.962 142.875 6.4 1.5 EE243196/243251CD 498.475 634.873 177.800 80.962 142.875 6.4 1.5 EE243196/243251D 520.700 736.600 186.502 81.758 114.300 6.4 1.5 EE982051/982901CD 539.750 50.800 6.4 LL575349/LL575310CD 571.500 812.800 333.375 285.750 263.525 3.3 1.5 M278749DW/M278710D 609.600 787.400 206.375 93.662 158.750 6.4 1.5 EE649240/649311CD 233.0 |
657.225 933.450 377.825 328.612 301.625 3.3 1.5 M281649D/M281610CD
657.225 933.450 328.612 328.612 141.288 3.3 6.4 M281649D/M281610 747.00
660.400 812.800 203.200 95.250 158.750 6.4 1.5 L281148/L281110CD 206.00
711.200 914.400 190.500 82.550 139.700 6.4 3.3 EE755280/755361CD 286.00
762.000 1079.500 438.149 381.000 349.250 4.8 3.3 M284249DW/M284210D
938.212 1270.000 400.050 400.050 169.862 4.8 12.7 LM287649D/LM287610 1500.00
1200.150 482.600 4.8 LM288949D/LM288910D
Jianxi Industrial Park, Luoyang, Henan, China
Business Type:
Business Range:
Industrial Equipment & Components, Instruments & Meters, Manufacturing & Processing Machinery, Metallurgy, Mineral & Energy, Tools & Hardware
Management System Certification:
ISO 9001, ISO 14001, IATF16949, HSE, ISO 14064, QC 080000, GMP, BSCI
Company Introduction:
Date of establishment: 2008
Number of employees: 50-100
Registered capital (RMB): 5 million
Annual turnover (RMB): 30 million
Luoyang LYDZC Bearing Co., Ltd. Founded in 2008, it is located in the hinterland of the ancient capital of Luoyang Jiuchao. It is specialized in precision slewing bearings, precision crossed roller bearings, YRT rotary table bearings, rolling mill bearings, precision angular contact ball bearings, thin-wall deep groove ball bearings, and other precision bearings. A comprehensive enterprise for the design, development, manufacture and sale of robot thin-wall crossed roller bearings, harmonic reducer bearings and non-standard bearings.
LYDZC company takes science and technology as the guide and manufactures precision slewing bearings with precision diameter over 20mm, precision cross roller bearings, YRT rotary table bearings, rolling mill bearings, precision angular contact ball bearings, thin-wall deep groove ball bearings, and other precision bearings. Robot thin-walled crossed roller bearings, harmonic reducer bearings, and large, super large deep groove ball bearings, angular contact ball bearings, single row, double row, four row cylindrical roller bearings, spherical roller bearings, single row, double Columns, four-row tapered roller bearings, thrust ball bearings, thrust roller bearings, wheel bearings (slewing bearings) and split bearings.
LYDZC registered trademark LYDZ, products are widely used in ports, machine tools, mining, metallurgy, electric power, medical, heavy machinery, coal machinery, cement machinery, oil drilling and defense industry, etc., users all over the country. The company′s own exports have established long-term trading partnerships with Taiwanese companies in India, South Korea and China.
The company regards the quality of life of the company, from forging to the factory to the finished product, each process must be tracked, test records, and the quality of each bearing is established. Strict quality control in the production process, to ensure that the company′s products are satisfied, is our long-term goal.
Companies adhere to the "integrity-based, quality first" as its purpose and dedication to provide users with quality products at a reasonable price and a full range of services. Sincerely hope that our products can help your company take off, we are willing to cooperate with you sincerely, and work together to create a better tomorrow.